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Model.getSearchQuery() experimental


Currently, the full-text search feature is EXPERIMENTAL.

Still, we strongly suggest to use it in some little parts of your application.

Axe API creates the Elasticsearch query automatically on the SEARCH handler.

But you can override the getSearchQuery() method and decide the searching query by your custom logic.


This function is used only if you activate the SEARCH handler in your API.

Default search query

By default, Axe API adds 4 important things to the query. You can check the following query example.


Understanding the query is very important to create a custom query.

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "query_string": {
            "query": "*karl*",
            "analyze_wildcard": true
          "term": {
            "role_id": 1
      "must_not": { "exists": { "field": "deleted_at" } }
  "sort": [
      "_score": { "order": "desc" }

Full-text search value is the crucial part of the query. Let's assume that an HTTP client sends a request like the following one:

$ curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/roles/1/users/search?text=karl

Axe API adds the following part to the query:

  "query_string": {
    "query": "*karl*",
    "analyze_wildcard": true

Parent id check

Let's assume that the User model has a one-to-one relationship with the Role model, and you are searching the users under a specific model (roles/1/users).

In this case, Axe API adds the relationship checks to the query like the following example:

  "term": {
    "role_id": 1


Axe API saves the relationship values to the indexes automatically even though they are not defined on the search() function.

Soft delete check

Axe API adds the soft delete checks to the Elasticsearch query automatically if you set up the soft delete feature on the model file.

  "must_not": {
    "exists": { "field": "deleted_at" }

Sorting by the score

By default, Axe API uses the score value provided by Elasticsearch to sort results. That's why the following part is added to the query.

  "sort": [
      "_score": { "order": "desc" }

Custom query

You can use the getSearchQuery() function to generate your custom query.


Understanding the Default search query is very important to create a custom query.

import { IElasticSearchParameters, Model } from "axe-api";

class User extends Model {
  getSearchQuery(params: IElasticSearchParameters) {
    const query = {};

    // generate the Elasticsearch query here

    return query;

export default User;
interface IElasticSearchParameters {
  req: AxeRequest;
  model: IModelService;
  relation: IRelation | null;
  parentModel: IModelService | null;
  text: string;

IElasticSearchParameters interface has the following items to help you to create an Elasticsearch query:

  • text: string
  • req: HTTP request object. See AxeRequest.
  • model: The current model object. See IModelService.
  • relation: The parent relation if there is any. See IRelation.
  • parentModel: The parent model if there is any. See IModelService.


You can check the Modal.ts file to see how Axe API handles generating Elasticsearch queries.

Released under the MIT License.