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Welcome to the FAQ page.

Here, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you find quick answers to common queries. If your question is not addressed here, feel free to reach out to our support channels for further assistance.

Absolutely! Here are 20 frequently asked questions (FAQ) about your open-source project, a REST API framework:

What is the purpose of your REST API framework?

Axe API is a TypeScript-based Node.js framework designed to eliminate the need for repetitive tasks associated with common elements while allowing developers to focus on custom logic. It offers a comprehensive structure for your API, including numerous features and best practices that will save you time.

Axe API simplifies the development process of your API by taking care of basic tasks such as routing, validating, querying, and handling HTTP requests.

This feature allows developers to focus on custom logic while developing their Axe API projects, which results in faster development times.

How can I install your REST API framework?

To create a new Axe API project, the axe-magic CLI can be utilized.

Installing CLI

What features does your REST API framework offer for authentication and authorization?

Axe API doesn't provide an internal authentication system. We thought that it should be flexible as possible.

Nevertheless, in this section, we are going to show you how to create an authentication mechanism in Axe API.

Can I integrate third-party libraries or tools with your REST API framework?

Absolutely! Our framework is designed to be extensible, allowing seamless integration with various libraries and tools.

How do I handle errors and exceptions in my API built with your framework?

Axe API provides an error handler in all Axe API projects as default.

Error handler documentation

Is there a built-in database support in your REST API framework?

Axe API uses knex.js for database operations.

Axe API supports all database that is supported by Knex.js;

  • PostgreSQL: pg
  • CockroachDB: pg
  • MSSQL: tedious
  • MySQL: mysql
  • MariaDB: mysql
  • SQLite3: sqlite3
  • Better-SQLite3: better-sqlite3
  • Oracle: oracledb
  • Amazon Redshift: pg

Can I deploy my API built with your framework to a cloud service?

Absolutely! Our framework is cloud-agnostic, and you can deploy your API to popular cloud services such as AWS, Azure, etc.

You can use the Deployment documentation.

How can I contribute to the development of your REST API framework?

Check out our Contribution Guidelines for information on how to contribute, report issues, and submit pull requests.

Is your REST API framework suitable for large-scale applications?

Yes, our framework is designed to scale, and it's suitable for both small-scale projects and large enterprise applications.

Are there any code examples or sample projects available for learning purposes?

Yes, explore our Bookstore API for code snippets and sample projects to help you get started quickly.

How often is your REST API framework updated, and how can I stay informed about new releases?

We strive to provide regular updates. Follow us on Versioning Policy for information about new releases and updates.

Can I customize the API documentation generated by your framework?

Since Axe API already analyzes all of your models, routes, validations, etc, it is able to create your API documentation automatically.

Axe API supports the OpenAPI format with the Swagger interface.

You can customize the documentation structure if you wish. Axe API uses OpenAPI v3 specification.

Explore our Documentation Customization documentation to get help.

How do I handle versioning of APIs created with your framework?

Learn about API versioning in our Version management, which provides guidelines for managing API versions effectively.

Released under the MIT License.